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From pre-school to college bound, LaNissir knows homeschooling. As a homeschool mom of 7 with decades of professional experience in various forms of homeschooling, LaNissir is a sought-after expert on home education.


If you have found yourself suddenly homeschooling due to the pandemic, homeschooling from the beginning or deciding to homeschool in high school, LaNissir can help you with everything from getting started to finding the best curriculum. She is also the go-to expert on transcripts and creating a four year plan for your college bound, trade school or career focused homeschooler.


As a homeschooling mom and leader, LaNissir has a passion to serve the home-educating community. She provides social, spiritual, academic, and supervisory support for families in local groups and encourages and equips homeschool graduates nationwide.


As a High School Educational Consultant with Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), LaNissir loves speaking to parents to encourage and support their homeschooling with empathetic, engaging, and practical wisdom.

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What’s your homeschool style?




Charlotte Mason





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  • First-time homeschooler

  • Curriculum & Counseling

  • Homeschooling ElementaryMiddle or High School

  • College Bound Consultation

  • Transcript Services

“The joy of helping a family feel confident that they can homeschool is priceless.”

~ LaNissir James

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